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Oaify Except Sunddif EVENING 


D£V0TE.D to the. 











Chapter A. H. of the P. E. O. held Friends of Sergeant Clarence H. 
its first regular meeting at the home Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. 

(Special Service to Glendale Evening News, Glendale can take courage. She is Rev. B. Dudley Snudden received 

LONDON, October 12.—One hundred and fifty was the most not disgraced in the great drive for his call to service by the Y. M. C. A. 

of Mrs. Abby Barker, Friday, Octo- Smith, former residents of Glendale, conservative estimate made today of the total number lost in the 
her nth. will be interested in the following . ..rr 

the Fourth Liberty Loan, though the while he was attending conference, 
end is not yet and she can by no He returned to Glendale and spent 

The meeting was 

Will ue iii liic luiiuwine • i • c ^\ \ • ^ . r\^ . cv .i o i - - - - - •' — — -- - - *- 

called to order by letter from him recently received by sinking oi the American transport Otranto oif the Scottish coast on means relax her efforts to carry on. busy days of final preparations for 

the president, Mrs. Greta Lynch, the his parents. Sergeant Smith attend- Thursday. 

usual order of business was trans- ed school in Glendale and has a large Capt. S. S. Naimar of the Army Medical Corps arrived in Lon- 
acted. and reports of various com- circle of friends and relatives here. , , , ,t •, d c i .. c i 

ttiivA I xj X.. n’lfH y*\ll ctiri'it'iArc h-i coirl 'x I<ftTich <•! <:>c f rrxA'<> r non rAC- 

Chairman Vesper reports that sub- the journey and left here Friday 
scriptions up to last night totalled morning for New York City, where he 
$242,000, with more in sight. About will put in a week of intensive train- 

acteu. ana reporis oi vaiiuus cum- circie ol menus auu icittuvcs neic. i . i o-r\ ■ 't • ! r> i i .. i i . .. "—- - - - 

mittees were made. The program He is a mining engineer and was at survivors, tie said a British destroyer had res- eighty persons who subscribed pre- ing and be ready to go overseas 

comnrittee gave an outline for an in- Ludwig, Nevada, when he enlisted cued 317 soldiers and 150 members of the crew. Below decks, Capt. yiously have not been heard from and whenever he is sent. 

teresting program for the coming last December, and has been in Naimar said, were 106, all of whom he believed were lost. it is altogether probable the list will Mrs. Snudden s mother is with her 

France since Julv x- • ■ , , . n • • t largely increased. As Glendale s and helping to pack their household 

The relief committee submitted a American Ex Forces, Describing the collision, Capt. Naimar said -when the British quota was $198,000, it will be seen effects, which will be shipped away 

report of work done and delivered August '’4 ISls' ' Jestrover Mounslev reached the scene an hour and a half after the that she has gone over the top with in a few days. Mrs. Snudden will 

since .Inly 1st, 1918, as represented Dear Mother “ ' ' collisimi the men were lined up upon the deck of the transport and John Robert then visit at her mother’s home in 

hv thp fnllnwinc inventory , , r ■ • , • . , , A • White, Secretary of the men s com- V orba Linda for a time until she can 

1.5 large comLrters ^ can at an order from their commander all jumped overboard. Dramatic mittee, reports that Glendale proper, j determine just what she wishes to do 

not tell you, but have had a followed. The destroyer eight times at great risk drew the Troplco District and Casa Ver- during his absence. She is glad to 

trip since I last wrote you. a , • , , . - - ; c c„rviv(^rs exceeded their quotas have him go because his heart was 

never expected to see so much of t ix • r t entitled to honor flags, which in the call and she believes it will 

France in so short a time, but surely Miss Jane Ryder of Arizona, a Red Cross nurse who was aboard jjg expects to receive in the near fu- be a broadening experience for him 
can not complain on that account. ^ vessel in the same convoy, said tlie storms was so heavy that the ture. Glendale more than doubled! aside for the good he .can do over 

is'^higher^and'^'mllTes me fee^*^more at vessel she was on was unable to reach the Otranto. Lieut. Com- ker quota in the Third Liberty Loan there. The great hardship of the 
is liigner ana maaes me leei more ai , ,, r . x, , • > , • , "'Hh a subscription of $275,000, and separation fails upon her, but she ac- 

home than before. niander Ciraves of the Alounsley was highly praised. captains are hoping she 'will buy as cepts it cheerfully as her bit in the 

The little village that we are bil- Thg British Admiralty statement last night estimated the miss- many this time. great cause, 

leted in is a rather old one as nearly • ,,, ■_ •_No small amount of credit is due - 

12 small comforters gi^ce I last wrote you. I had 

2 blankets never expected to see so much of 

17 flannelette baby gowns France in so short a time, but surely 

12 baby dresses ppp pp^. gomplain on that account. 

16 jackets country that we are in at present 

9 vests jg higher and makes me feel more at 

19 girls dresses home than before. 

's blby Gertru°des , The little village that we are bil- 

,. . , . . , „ , _ leted in is a rather old one as nearly 

l.T boys waists and pants, com- ,, , , , , i. 

, all of them are. with the usual church 

22 pafrs of bootees ‘ 

o wexYx,._ IS a little more elaborate and gives 

3 baby caps . , ^ is.- 

6 knitted baby hoods several times a 

3 heavy coats -ly- J '’fl® “V 

Total, 236 pounds for Belgian re- '’^'® 

- a look tomorrow, as it is Sunday, 


The question of the purchase by They still have the ancient custom 
the Chapter of a Liberty Bond was I of a “Town Crier" who gives the peo- 
discussed and on motion there was a news and reads the newspaper 

ner Liraves oi me iviouiisiey was nigniv praiseu. captains are hoping she 'will buy as cepts it cheerfully as her bit in the 

The British Admiralty statement last night estimated the miss- many this time. great cause. 

at 431, later estimates gave 300, and the figure is now placej! small amount of credit is due ^ 

, ° ' Miss Eva Daniels, Secretary of the XIIH.AUI LOl S PRESKRA .\TION 

)nser\atlve quarters at 150, Woman's Committee, and John Rob-' - 

- ert White, Secretary of the Men’s | Letters which Mrs. Irving Oliver of 

I fpo ANPE* AW AI f FDAWTC Committee. Mr. White declares the j Acacia street have received from her 

ALiIjIC^ Al/YAPIbt Un nLiLi iKUniu brunt of the clerical responsibility of brother. Lieutenant Doctor John D. 

_ recording and giving proper credits! Little, advise her that following his 

/ Subscriptions has fallen upon] strenuous work at the battle of Cha- 

leieQ in is a raiiier oiu uiie as iieaiiY • i->i i * x.* i x.i 12 • 11 

all of them are, with the usual church ‘-‘St'mates gave 300, and the hgure is now placed 

and town clock, except that this one in conservative quarters at 150, 

is a little more elaborate and gives -- 

us a musical tune several times a All ICO A 1\17 A AFPI? AAT All CDAIklTC 

day I have not been inside of the ALLltiS ADYAlNtt UW ALL iKUrilD 

church yet but think that I will have _ 

a look tomorrow, as it is Sunday. 

They still have the ancient custom FRENCH ENTER VOUZIERES-liERMANS RETREAT ^ at headquarters teau-Thierry, where he never had his 

EAST OF RHEIMS—BRITISH SURROUND DOUAI I every day and all day, and who is | clothes off for two weeks and where 

_ freely giving her service, without i he was in the first line of doctors who 

T I n u'l T- - 1 1 1 r 1 Compensation. I received the wounded, he was given a 

LONDON, October 12.— I he French on the western edge of the - | commission as Captain and sent to a 

nine forest this morning entered the German base, Vouzieres. A’.AC’.ATION .ACTIA ITIES ] hospital just outside of Paris for lab- 

V now hohl the general line of the Repourne river. ] oratory work. He has been in the 

x- T,i • 1 . , . , . When interviewed as to what he j front line trenches for a little more 

Northeast ot Kheims the Germans yesterday started a retreat intended to do with his unexpected I than a year and wonders that he is 

. 37-mile front and the French cavalrv are hotly pursuing, ad- vacation. Professor Harry Howe ac-! alive, as his Colonel and two other 

unanimous vote to buy a bond. 

! to tbe inhabitants from the street at i- /~\ . $ $ ^ tt • $_ x.i i c x.l. 

' . ^ rri X. o ixNv. .>000 LONDON, October 12.— Ihe French on the western edge of the 

about 6 a. m. The Crier in this case o 

happens to be a woman and to us it Argonne forest this morning entered the German base. Vouzieres. 

is a comical sight to see the village They now hohl the general line of the Repourne river. 

There being no further business, j^hout 6 a. m. The Crier in this case 
the Chapter adjourned. I happens to be a woman and to us it 


Frank .Ayars of Chestnut 

people come out to hear the news Northeast of Rheims the (lermans yesterday started a retreat 

naper read. 

The village people are very kind f”' ^ 37-mile front and the French cavalry are hotly pursuing, ad- 

. . ... ,-1,.’ Uu v,tf 1 frx,,.. and accommodating and seem to take vancing a maximum of six miles up to last night and three miles knowledged that he didn t exactly | otfleers were killed right beside him. 

street gave a very delightful four- I never i r.- i. i 'nr i r i .i ■ . . .if ><now. ‘'it was so sudden,’’ hut I He was a doctor in Bellevue Hospi- 

course luncheon Friday in honor of ^efor^^^^ additional today. The French line by this retreat now e.xtends from probability he would atl. New York, when he enlisted, and 

Mrc Rno/xo Pi.ffor ii-hn 1= trr.\T.a reailZCO OeiOre now eds> ir, WOUIU UK , „ ._ ._ , _ ._ ... I . , . . . 

be able to put in reasonably strenu- has been in France about fourteen 


passed away a few months ago. but oues wants Known. 

Mrs. Puffer was not able at that time i ''o ^re close enough to the moun- 
to make the journey. She will be I tains so that we have excellent spring 
gone for several months. The guest I'v^ffir piped into town. It is the best 

Mrs. Roscoe Puffer, who is going to I create a sign language, as. that, Sliippe river to the Arnes river. be able to put in reasonably strenu-.has been in France about fourteen 

Chicago next Wednesday to visit 'j®''j ^ word or two of French thrown Further east, the French are shoving the Germans hack slovvlv °us days bringing up clerical work at niontbs. 

mother, whom she has not seen for nrinrinal means of making • . 't f . ' Hie office of the High School which - 

a number of years. Her father the Pnnmpa^ means of m he had been striving to ’’get to ’ for! H-ATHIOTIC MOTHER 

passed away a few months ago, but The British are practically surrounding Doiiai and on the west some time. He said he would not at-i - 

Mrs. Puffer was not able at that time We are close enough to the moun- ^ Coachella „ ’fa"!®* “u"®® of 

to make the journey. She will be tains so that we have excellent spring .■ _ • i , .u r i .Valley. In that connection, he said' ®f''®®f ®"f®’'f^'o®‘f at dinner 

gone for several months. The guest water piped into town. It is the best Great numbers ot towns have been occupied by the French and ,,arvest is now on there and Thursday evening. Mrs. Lebrecht of 

list included a few of her more inti- water that I have tasted since I left British on the various fronts in the last 24 hours. Among the that tlie fruit is simply splendid. One | Angeles and her son Frank, who 

mate friends, viz Mrs. Chauncey the lulls last fall. wnnrtering occupied towns are Bertricourt, Bazancourt, Aussconce, Laneuville, he quoted, who is realizing $400 fom ^®®® army service today. He is 

Lane of Chestnut, Mrs. Howeth of! I know that you are wondering * ... ^ . . a few trees which he irrigates in fourth son she has given to the 

Orange street. Mrs. Perce Curtis of | why I do not answer your questions, Cauroy and on the British front Suincy, Brebieres and Hamel. primitive way with windmill power i ^teat war. One of her sons, who is 

Maryland avenue, and Mrs. G. D.! but this time I have an excellent ex- Qn the Chemin des Dames front the Franco-Italians continue savs he asks nothing better of for-'®" tanker, on his last voyage 

Roach of Orange street. | ense for I have received only the first advance, occupying numbers of other villages, and are t®"® tha® t® P®ssess one acre of bear-;”^ 

Dahlias were lavishly used in the i batch of letters (four) that came i-i i • . ^ ^ • r-t • • ^ ing date palms. According to Prof. bottom. He has made 

decoration of the Ayars home and the some time ago. speedily taking possession ot the entire Chemin region. Howe, ^ date plantation is a sort of' trips since April. Frank w'as a 

table, which was spread with a hand- one town I was in recently there The .American engagement is stubbornly battling with German entailed estate for future generations.' ®®‘f®'' Mrs. Mullen at Lin- 

some luncheon set, was centered with, ^-as a Red Cross station and they reinforcements along the .Aire river at G.randprc and St. Juvin. The R ®®'®f "ears out. but is more pro-]®”'" ®''® '® receiving letters 

pink dahlias of an especially beauti-|were making fresh doughnuts and i i • i . .. , ductive than ever when it is 500 to i °‘"®'' students in service, one 

ful shade. A railroad train was the i ^^ere serving them with hot choco- Germans are Jaiincliing heavv counter attacks. years old, in spite of the fact!°^ whom is in the camouflage service 

pictured decoration of the place j jate. Maybe they didn’t taste good - that it begins bearing at five years.' written her of capturing a 

cards, dinner favors being tiny suit | to me. 

cases, trunks and hat boxes. An ex-] j think that I wrote von some time I ULR^lAn I KLt'LlLd lU W ILMIW courage Tongevdtv anTitTs a notice- 1 '®f‘‘h®‘r "lad "igbt and 

ceedingly pleasant afternoon was! ^ vgrv sick inj - able fact that Prof. Howe is getting >‘e thinks is an evidence of 

answer to I'RESIDENT-S inquiries handed to SWISS “>■; }’ 

ovner nano wotk. anu conversation, , short time later that he had i doing it witli intent that he may the i 

or.a p ■ " «cu a s II ui I 11 iiiK 1 a ic I LI la I uo i. au M I V I CX P I> T H I « M OU N I V rt I C T H C D C I>rv O X I, , .- 


I Such a property would certainly en- 

povverful Mercedes auto which the 

and each guest presented to Mrs. Puf-I 3 It was quite a shock to m 11> is l tK I n IS mUK :m !>U IS I n t K tl'UK I longer enjoy the returns from his] MISS LINDSAY’S FN^l^TVIN 

fer a train letter to he read en route. best -- orchard. ] ' ' )^,kxt. 

- liked men in the regiment. It seemed (Special Service to Glendale Evening News) He reports Coachella Valley dates j -- 

RED CROSS CLOSED hard to realize that he was not to be pact P c, u n , l l 7 'n r x' ,■ i -7 ■ '‘®® *** ® Roberts and Fch-, jhe entertainment which was an- 

- with us any more, and to think that BASLE. Switzerland, October 12.—The German National Zei- ols’ drug store in this city, where the jnounced to be given by the pupils of 

Acting Vice-Chairman Olin Spencer, he had to give up in that manner tung announced today that the German reply to President Wilson’s public can inspect them and learn Miss Edith Lindsay at the K. of P. 

announces that the work room of the] after preparing for active service for i of inquiry had been handed to the Swiss minister at Berlin this 1'°"' SP'®"'!*'’ Hiey are. Frank Echols ] hall this afternoon, has been post- 

Glendale Red Cross Chapter will be'so long, and then not get to see any | . has a plantation in the valley but it ^ poned until the first Friday afternoon 

closed until further notice in obedi-jof it. It would not have seemed so i^ is not yet in bearing. He is an e®-j after the healtli officer has announced 

ence to the order of Health Officer bad if it had occurred in action. | AMSTERD.AAI, October 12. — Some German newspapers say thusiast, however, about dates in Cal-i that public meetings may be held. 

Chase; but that the business office of j When you write again let me know that Germany’s reiilv to President Wilson’s inquiries accedes to his ’T®''®'®’ ’^b® °®’y other place ini —- 

the Chapter, of which he is in charge, the organizations that Owen and u-i lu -l i i- • i , '^®® ''■®*’'® vvhere they are raised in __ 

Will be open as usual. Dana belong to as I have mislaid "h'le Others say it only partially complies with them. merchantable quantities is in Africa DFRATINfi I FAGIIF 

- - their former addresses. I want to - ®®'l “‘® best of those are absorbed I/LiUnilllU LLiAUUL 

viinrxriAinn/xmT Voon thoni in mind when we come in i ' ^be London and Paris markets and i ■ 

passed away. It was (luite a shock to 


fer a train letter to he read en route. best 

-- liked men in the regiment. It seemed 

RED CROSS CLOSED hard to realize that he was not to be 

(Special Service to Glendale Evening News) 


The entertainment which was an- 

will be open as usual. Dana belong to as I have mislaid ’ ^ x x., ...x..., 

- — their former addresses. I want to | “ 

CORPS INSPECTION conLt with other outfits and make i AIRPLANES BOMB LOS ANGELES 

_ inquiry about them I doubt very j 

I much that I will see them up in this I 




Americans never see them. 





Friday. October 11, was an impor¬ 
tant day in the history of N'. P. | 
Banks Relief Corps, as it marked the] 

sunie that they will go into a training 
camp for a time after their arrival 

In regard to knitted wear, I am 
I well supplied with a sweater, helmet. 
! wristlets and socks, so do not worry 

B __ I Big pis ns which hsd b d 

FIELD BOOST LIBERTY LOAN IN ANGEL CITY Friends of Vincent Burton, a for- j for b'uilding up the Southwestern 

- mer resident of this city and gradu-1 Debating League, of which Union 

rSnecial Service to Glendale Eveninp- NewsA "*^® Union High in the class of! High has been a member, are upset 

t zve zx 1 n zv I CT ^ -1 1909. have just received the an- somewhat by the embargo on public 

LUS AiNCiELES, October Iz.—One hundred hiteen airplanes, nouncement of his wedding. It took meetings. The situation as explained 

annual inspection of the corps ^"4 j Unless we largest number that ever flew over an American citv, visited P'®®® Tangku, China. August 29.1 by Prof. W. D. Root is this: Word 

the visit of Mrs. Ida Gribling of ^ ®t \_i „ ii ja ■ , z' • r r. i ' n i"- i , I The groom, who enlisted in the U.jwas recently received that the State 

. T * . - get mail more frequently than we Los zvngeles at 11.30 this morning. Coming: from Rockwell Field, la i a • , 0,0 • cxc.iii, icucivcu inai me oiaie 

Whittier, Department Instructor ®L have in the nast I donht verv much u j tli- .t , ® ^ Regular Army in 1913, is now a , League had been discontinued. There- 

the Woman’s Relief Corps. | jf s®<.h thin s would ev-er reach me each. Captain in the Fifteenth Infantry' upon. Hollywood and some other 

At noon. Mrs. Louise Purnell, |' ®"® ’ ®®^®. headed bv their commanding officers and brought up by special flv- been in China for a year. He | large schools which had not been 

president of the local Corps, was] ... x i ^ „ d,x™i d i t 1 ■ 1 0 - v ®'®t bi$ bride, Miss Olga Morton, j members of the Southwest League an- 

r . - , X X XU T , an appetite as ever and can sleep any ers. Bombs were dropped over the city containing leaflets boosting , xu • x • - - x, ^^‘‘sue an 

hostess at a luncheon at the Jewel; .. f nlentv to u t -i x t tt • 1 . A,- , ,7 ooosi.i.g ^here. HerHather 13 captain of a'nounced their desire to come into it 

City Cafe, at which Mrs. Gribling : the Liberty Loan. Previous to today s flight, the largest number ot deep-sea vessel. Captain Burton’s land a meeting to be held in the U. S. 

was guest of honor. Mrs. Grace Wil-] . . , potting fat hut T win not planes that ever visited an American city was sixty-eight, that flew father was pastor of the First Meth- C. Law Building, Los Angeles, was 
lard of Los Angeles. Department pres-; j gtep onto the scales over New York recently. Gl®®*!®!® t®-- a®"®--®! called for this (Saturday) afternoon, 

ident. and Mrs^ Ida V. Herendeen of ^gg mvself. I haven’t de- ' y®®®®' to reorganize the League, of which 

Los Angeles, Department secretary. | . .^j-ether it is due to the - - Frank Balthls of Glendale is presi- 

were also special guests. Others f®r; XrtSking of the woolen clothes or »Ur IMrf fTriU7A OTTfTATIAKr SMALL GATHERINGS CALLKI) OFF dent. Invitations were sent to Hol- 

whom covers were laid were Mrs. S. i , xx j j, putting on THE INFLUENZA SITUATION - lywood, Manual Arts, Monrovia. Cit- 

A. Pollock, local secretary: Mrs.; iiULin£jrt JllUMllUll Mrs. H. E. Bartlett, curator of the rus High, and all the other schools 

'°®^'/’'®^®"’’®''’! use for the needle and thread that - Literary Section of the Tuesday Aft- of Southern California likely to be 

and Mrs. Mabel Evans Craig. ^.g^g thoughtful to give me. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH HAS RECEIYED REPORTS OF ®'’®®®® Glub, which has been meeting | interested, to attend, and there was 

The luncheon was a very happy af- j j^g ^,g t,gth FOUR THOUSAND CASES IN CALIFORNIA T’ """°""®®® that because every prospect that a strong League 

fair and was served in a private room.; .^^.g,j ^^g q^t overdoing UUUK nuusATNU UN CAUIFUKINIA of the embargo laid upon all public! would be developed. When the Span- 

the table centered with a bowl of There is going - meetings on account of Spanish Influ- ish Influenza embargo was announced. 

beautiful pink roses. I to be a warm spot in the hearts of (Special Service to Glendale Evening News) t'®e section will not meet with Mr. Root and his associates had to 

th« r‘"’A Tl n ^iimany of the boys for the mothers and S ACRAMENTO October 12-Reports to the State Board of 'l®® "®*‘ Tuesday, as provided in the get busy with telephones calling up 

the G. A. R. hall in the afternoon and I „g, ^g.g„ „.g D.-\ixrxx-A..ui!,xM C 7 , c^ctouer iz,. rceporis to tne State Doard ot dub program. ! about twenty schools to advise them 

were also special guests. Others for 
whom covers were laid were Mrs. S. j 
A. Pollock, local secretary: Mrs.; 
Priscilla Houdyshel, local treasurer,! 
and Mrs. Mabel Evans Craig. | 

The luncheon was a very happy af- | 
fair and was served in a private room, i 
the table centered with a bowl of 

beautiful pink roses. 

There was a large attendance at 
the G. A. R. hall in the afternoon and 

shrinking of the woolen clothes or 
whether I am really putting on 
weight. At any rate I frequently have 
use for the needle and thread that 
you were so thoughtful to give me. 

I hope that you and Dad are both 
well and that you are not overdoing 
the Red Cross work. There is going 

I to be a warm spot in the hearts of 
! many of the boys for the mothers and 

-- XV. vx.x oxvxx..x,>,u “uu I qjj^gj. j^gj fross workers who are ply- o • - lauoui, iwemy scnoois to aavise mem 

the work moved along very smoothly j.^ many needles and cutting and today showed that the Spanish influenza in this country has A similar announcement and for a that the meeting had been postponed. 

^ P"*®’®**® I winding the thousands of bandages now reached a total of 4000 cases. One thousand, seven hundred and ®'“‘’f® ^®®' ^ strenuous afternoon for all 

organiaztion, the Corps served punch lx, „x __ , j x j ■ , --xxxv - - Charles Toll, who wishes all members of them and very disappointing in 

and waters in place ot the customary | .^^.quuJeJ jq hospitals cases were reported Friday, including 600 from Long of the Mutual Reading Circle to be view of League prospects, but after 

luncheon. Mrs. Gribling was pre-^ jq^g ^ Beach. Fresno reported 72 this morning and Stanford University, advised that the meeting at her home all it is only a postponement. The 

sented with a handsome hand-painted I Your loving son 150. No new report had been received from Los -Ansfeles uo to ®®1'®‘^®'®‘J J®’’ J^® coming week has League has been in existence seven 

plate by the Corps In apprecation of | lovmg sou. x - , f i' been postponed in obedience to the years and will be stronger than ever 

her services. I CLARENCE H. SMITH. noon today. order of Health Officer Chase. 1 with this increased memhershin 

150. No new report had been received from Los .Ansfeles up to ®®^®‘^®'®‘J J®’’ J^® coming week has League has been in existence seven 
, ^ ox been postponed in obedience to the | years and will be stronger than ever 

noon today. order of Health Officer Chase. 1 with this increased membership. 

Page Two 



Published Dally Except Sunday j SERVICE 

A. T. COWAN.Publisher and Proprietor | -^— 

Office of Publication, 304 East Broadway I Men between the aees of 46 and 56 are eligfible for enlistment 

^ ^ TTy-\-«rT7i n if n 1 ! ^ ^ 

FOR SALE—Tomatoes fresh from 
our own vines, 35 cents and up per 
lug box. Siple’s Grocery, 401 Syca¬ 
more Ave. Phone Glendale 782. 26tf 

SUNSET 132 _—PHONES—_^j m the Armv Air Service, it was announced recently by the Military SALE—Or wull trade for BanC BVand'and'sro^a'way""*' 

Entered at the Postoffice at Los Angeles, Cal., In i.,^u t- • i r ■ ah , , Glendale property, 2-acre ranch. Hours—9-i2; i;30-B 

as Second-Class Mall Matter. j Bureau at the L niversity ot California. All men accepted must have near Universal City, cheap R. R. fare, phone 458 

SUBSCRIPTION^RATE—Single Copy, 5 “c^t^r One Month, 40 Cents; jpassed the physical examinations. The Air Service is also open for j electric light, gas, water, telephone,-_ - - 

Three Months, Jl.OO; One Year, $4.00. All in Advance. the induction of a limited number of men between the ages of sidewalks. 6-rooni house, ga- Q Smith, M. D. 

GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1918 _ and 4o. Applicants capable of either general or limited military ser- trees. Place that will make a living J?, , 

- -— -vice, and trom any class in the draft other than Class 5 are eligible, for its owner. Easy terms. George E Home: caii l a. 60866 . for Gien- 

FOUR.MINUTE speech on liberty bonds Xo Class 1 men registered previous to September 15 classified for offlce'\n 4 % T’B^oadwaraiendai. 

- i general services will be accepted, however. _!___ Hours, 10-12 a m.. 2-s p. m. 

By Albert D. Pearce Men between the ages of 46 ami 56 should apply at the Military REMOVAL SALE—Hundreds of a A MacIntyre 1)~D8 ^D8 

Citizens of Glendale: The time has come not only for taking an Bureau, Uiiiversity of California, to Lieutenant Johnson, Examining ircen^l'^ch" a'lso^eL^^ r;du!Hnnt <>' of‘Penns'vivama 

invoice of our Liberty Bond holdings but also for taking an inventory officer, Santa Fe building, San Francisco, or Air Service offices else- in trees, palm; and shrubs. F McG 

of our conscience and our patriotism. The Fourth Liberty Loan where in the state. They will be physically examined at the nearest Kelley, Florist, 422 S. Brand Blvd. ?rr“Torouto'‘caS^^^ 

will fail and the Kaiser will grin if any one of us here tonight neg- military post which has the authority of enlistment and, if they pass ___ill*' 

lects to double the amount of his last subscription. The war lord of the examination, will be sent to the Air Service Mechanics’ School FOR RFNT^ offlSTt lifs. 

Germany, cunningly planning his jieace move so as to endanger the aj Is^clly Field, Texas. Mechanics, repairmen, machinists, and others--—~— -- -- - — 

sale of this bond issue, is smiling sardonically tonight as he thinks qualified in similar work are needed. Photographers are in great RENT—Furnished apart- DR. J. P. LUCCOCK 

that his clever maneuvering has succeeded. demand. ment, 3 rooms and bath, adults only, dentist 

There is a real danger that the loan ma^ fail because some of _ 9. Apply 735 E, Wilson Ave. 3 3tf Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to s 

our people, erringly, believe that peace is near, but the loan must NEW BRIDGES IN CALIFORNIA RENT—First class furnished Rank of Glendale Bldg., cor. Broadway 

not, it can not fail _ housekeeping apartments, suitable Glendale, Glendale, Calif. 

’ T. , r • 1 Ai A At cc r „ . J- - - for 2, 3 or 4 people; also Single - 

Remember, my friends, that the peace oner comes trom hands Two tif the hnest concrete bridges of California's famed highway Room. Apply to California Apart- jv » l-i . 

still dripping with the blood of innocent women and children 0!|j;y5i^gm will he completed in Sacramento county and opened for ments at 115% Brand Blvd. Tel. ROut. F. ChriSt6IlS6Il 
Belgium and France: remember that those hands outstretched for | traffic with a New Year's Day celebration. One is over the .Sacra- ^'®"daie 725, Glendale, Cal. 2i9tf instruction 

a negotiated peace are tonight being used to gag our hoys 'vithinte^to river between Sacramento and Solano counties, at Rio Vista; FOR rent— 4-room cottage with Primary or Advancetl Pupils 

poisonous gases, to puncture our armies with lead; remember that tfie other over the American river at Folsum, about two miles from |®re of ground and fruit trees. 1105 .studio 101714 West Broadway 

with cruelty unparalleled those same gory hands are relentlessly state penitentiary. en a e A ve._ ^“^4 __ 

crushing out the lives of your brothers, and possibly mine, who mav’ 'PBe Folsum bridge is the third largest structure of the the con- FOR RENT—Funished 3-room lUATHOVNi sissniv 

have been captured in l)attle. crete type in California. The bridge is 540 feet in length, the main ^“"^alow. 440 Myrtle St. Phone 4 di- 

Snhscribe to the point of sacrifice, people of Glendale, to the end hanng a stretch of 209 feet. The arch is 30 feet high and is -—__ TEACHER OF PIANO 

that our President and our allies and our gallant armies may never L^^gPored at each end in bedrock. KOR RhlNT—Pleasant northwest I'rimaiy or Advanced 

need to suffer the humiliation of a negotiated peace. Subscribe to j 'phe Rio Vista l)ridge is of three sections. From the Sacramento ’ Ivy street 

sacrifice and subscribe to sacrifice again and again and again onlyijjj^lg runs 1-400 feet over a pile trestle to Wood, thence by three Sunday. 28tf .. . . — 

by so doing can you and I keep faith with our honored soldier dead. | j20 foot concrete spans to a 340 foot steel “jack-knife” section over ur-ATm I-i \/irk i i xi i xicT o i ir^rinxi 

The Crusaders of old were battling for an. ideal, willingly laying ghamiel and a 70 foot concrete span to the Solano shore, repair cen^'^IrTocItio^ ^°2Ta'month lIMsIKUCIlOlN 

down their precious lives that you ami I and their descendants and j-phis bridge is of the "rainbow arch" type. for adults. Also for sale on easy MARQUARDT. Violin Virtuoso, 

ours mieht forever be safe from another such an onslausrht of the I terms. Owner, 328 N. IVIarylaud. 27tf receive ambitious impils, liegin- 

. , , . • ' ’ i -—__ iMTs as well as advanced. 

vandal. Negotiated peace what does it mean. Knowing as we l LETTER FROM GEBM.WV I He had long hair and a pensive FOR RENT_Furnished flat 1305 Phone ;5:5.o-\V 

do that our country entered this war to fight for an ideal, shall we I - 'look. He wrote a poem, entitled, Hawthorne, 4 rooms and bath, 1 Studio, .>07 N. Kenwood St. 

now, hv failing to do our full duty in this drive, compel our leaders! ( rown I'rince Writes Papa signed itjblock from car line. Phone Glendale; . - - 

, ■ 1 1 111 1 i On the Run Somewhere in France, i <-barley Anthony, and sent it to a HO 4 . 7 -W’. 20tfi - 

to abandon our exalted position and to lower our standard to thei..^,, Time."-Dear Papa I am ' magazine. The editor wrote him as | --j lyi Mlirmon 

status of a figuring and bargaining peace. ; writing on der run, as der brave and ; FOR RENT—Hoover Special Sue- 111 o. IjllgClIC ilUlllldll 

Dr. Frank N. Arnold 


- -- o »T T-. .Flower Block, over Glendale Savings 

m the .Armv -Air Service, it was announced recently by the Military Or w-ill trade for Bant Brand and Broadway 

g, 1 T- • • - ^ ^ , Glendale property, 2-acre ranch, Hours—9-12; l;30-B 

Bureau at the Lniversity ot California. All men accepted must have near Universal City, cheap R. R. fare, phone 458 

passed the physical examinations. The -Air Service is also open fori electric light, gas, water, telephone, - - — 

the induction of a limited number of men between the ages of 18 ®^°"® sidewalks. 6-room house, ga- H. C. Smith, M. D. 

, ,A , r ■ . . .. '■^se, barn, 60 full bearing fruit .. ___ 

and 4o. AApplicants capable of either general or limited military ser- trees Place that will make a uvin? r, "“<> surgeon 

, / 1 • , , r r .7 , A T 7, * living Residence. 1641 Stocker St.. Glendale. 

Vice, and trom any class in the draft other than Class 5 are eligible, for its owner. Easy terms. George E Home: caii l a. 6 O 866 . ask for Glen- 
No Class 1 men registered previous to September 15 classified for jate*i465^^^ Brand Blvd. Tel. 1114 %’ w. BroTd^way!*aien*daie 

general services will be accepted, however. _!___ Hours, 10-12 a m.. 2-5 p. m. 

A. A. MacIntyre, D.D.S., L.D.8. 

lltf Dentistry 'n all its branches, siiecializkig ic 
- Electro-Therapeutic treatment o 1 Pyorrhea by 
Ultra-Violet Kay etc. Prices reasonable 
Office at 142 S. Central. Phone 1480. 


S. Glendale Ave. 32t4 

FOR RENT—Funished 3-room 
bungalow. 440 Myrtle St. Phone 457- 
W. 31tf 

FOR RENT—Pleasant northwest 
room at 337 North Central Ave., also 
garage. Call evenings, Saturday or 
Sunday. 28tf 

Primary or Advanceil Pupils 
Studio 101714 W'ost Broadway 



I'riinary or A<lvaiice<l 
(ilen. 17S-.T. Ivy street 

f 1? Ai V t JOHN MARQUARDT, Violin Virtuoso, 

for adults. Also for sale on easy 

terms. Owner, 328 N. M*arylaud. 27tf ambitious iHipils, l>ogin- 

---- iMTs as well as advanced. 

LETTER FROM GERM.V.NV i He had long hair and a pensive j FOR RENT—Furnished flat, 1305 | 

- 'look. He wrote a poem, entitled, j Hawthorne, 4 rooms and bath, l| 

Crown I'rince Writes Papa "Why Do I Live?” He signed it J block from car line. Phone Glendale'. 
On the Run. Somewhere in France, i''f^’>mrley Anthony." and sent it to aii04.7-W. 20tfi 

He had long hair and a pensive! 

i magazine. The editor wrote him as j -- 

i writing on der run, as der brave and ; 

follows: FOR RENT—Hoover Special Suc- 

"My dear Charles Anthony: The tion Sweeper. $2.00 per day. J. A. 

Centuries ago the Man of Galilee lived, taught and finally gave!glorious soldiers under my com-j o®^‘' Charles Anthony: The tion Sweeper. $2.00 per day. J. A. 

., , , ■ I ,,, ggg jgr RlRne for so! reason why you live IS because you! Newton Electric Co., 631-633 East 

up his earthly lite as a sacrifice to the same ideals that now " d^tlsent the poem by mail.” 1 Broadway. Phones Glen. 240-J; 


Studio, 507 Kenwood St. 

Mrs. Eugene Murman 

Teacher of Piano and Harmony 

up ms eartniv uie as a sacrince to me same icieais mat now urge,,-. . , j . sent the noem bv mail” 

* - . Hong (lat dev have started back dat;®®"'- ’•*'« poem o> man. I 

on our fighting forces, struggling m terrible conflict. Did that hum-| vay. and of course I am going mit j -- . ' ! 

hie and noble Son of a Carjicnter consider a negotiated peace witlijdem. Oh. papa, dere has been some Advertise it, or advertise for it in; 

the powerful military huns of those days? St. Paul suffered thel°ff®' dings happened here in France. __s_ 

tortures ol hell, but his ideals urged him to choose death m its most ■ which was to crush de fool Ameri- A C ¥ ¥ j 

terrifying form rather than to negotiate or arbitrate with the an- cans, hut dey know so little about A I 

cestral Hun. Scan the pages of history, search out with the torch ! ‘f®>^ ’’® .vcuoMi^NW \LI IINFK ' 

B S . 'crushed just like I vant era. I sent; i ' .\t 4 G.'il .\ll li.>ek 

of learning the names and records ot the most enduring men and ot; ,j^gn in der figlit in big vaves, and A'OTH ES, I NLRSS THEY ARE ; 

the world's greatest institutions, and nowhere will voii find onelven dey got to de Americans they, LRD-'I MER( H.WIS .\M) OTHERS | 
,, ® ’ . . .- .. H,ev ennlrt having REGULAR MONTHLY -AC-I 

Broadway. Phones Glen. 240 -J- i Residence Studio, 240 S. Central Ave. 

I Home 3003. 

Phone Glendale 638-M. 

If you will consider renting your 

house, furnished, see us at once. H. ; /-ii j i ■T '1 i. O 1 
L. Miller, 409 S. Brand Blvd. Both 1 Ollct KarlOrS 

phones. 153tf| HKWTTT 

-! 103-A N. Brand Blvd., Rudy Blk. 

j Glendale, Cal. 

LOST Telephone for Appointment 

----- j Phone, Sunset 670 

LOST—Toggenburg milch goat, j Marinello Preparations. Hair Work 

rrol iiith Io<ro coal ^ Specialty 

thoroughly great man or one eternally great institution or anv fig-l**" could 

” 'holler. Yell, according to vat youA'"^-'* 

tires ot a beneficent people or nation who ever willingly compromised I ]jave always told me. de Americans : 

an ideal. Ihave turned and run like blazes. But j 

Tonight we must remember that our soldiers more than those I Ameri-| 

, . . . , r 1 • ■ .'cans don t know anything about war,,_ 

ol any other nation at war, represent m its best form the siiint ot Ignd instead of running de odder way. j 

those individuals and those institutions and those {leoiiles who in! dey came right toward us. Some of i _ 




sorrel brown with legs seal brown.' 


ages past have lived true to their faith. Remember that we are at f'’®’’’ singing \e V\ont Come! 
® ' . . . . ; Back Till Dis Is Over. Over Here,' ' 

('all a( No. 117 S. Hraiul Blvd. 

war not with a desire for territory, or for commerce or for trade, qj. some odder foolish sons, and some j Call at \o. 1I7 S. Brand Blvd. )rTce^'^*$ 450^0 ^1211-J. 

or for the trumj etry of military life. l)Ut that the maintenance of of dem were laughing like dam fools. Porfoction Dine Flame Cook room modern house in Glendale with |_ 

an ideal caused our nation to enter this conflict. ”®'' ignorant. But dey arej stove, tlu-ee holes witli large 2 or more lots, will go to same price ‘ - . , 

Our President knows what that ideal is - General Pershino ami 'a'* Snns and ven ; oven good as new. j-q,, busy. H. L. Miller! MlSS Edith Lindsa; 

tjur 1 resident knows vv nat tnat uieai is. tienerai i ersliing ai.d (jpy co^e toward us it vas flat my men Uoueli, tapestry, goiul $I.>.(M» jbj, jj^^nd Glen 853 Blk 266 i D.ANCI.NG 

our gallant fighting men believe in it, our allies and even our enemy, j took a notion dey wanted to go back Large Gas Stove, two ovens, ..... . • , . . piijiijren's Class Saturday, 2 p, 

in fact, all the world knows for what we are fighting. Across the ‘*® Rhine. \e don t like | four lioles .$20.00- I High School class in ball n 

, , , P, , , , 1111.-1 1 *'’® 'R^‘® Marne river, anyhow. . iVrfert ion Heaters . $ it.OO FOR E.XCHANGE—Two 5-room i dancing. Saturday, 7:30. 

fields Ol Flanders those brave hoys who have already tought and : ,\„,1 o),. pap, dem Americans use Large, new Lawn Mower -$ 7..50 bungalows, large lots, bearing fruit,! Hollywood class, Wednesdays. 

hied and died, send us a final appeal tonight, a final message urging! such offel language. Dey know noth- Kitchen Uahinet ..SEi.oo near foothills. Want L. A. home or j Knights of Pythias Hall 

hornless, dark stripe down back, 

I black feet. Telephone Glendale 412-i INA WHITAKER 

i _ ' 30tf I TE.ACHER OF PIANO 

i - i Pupil of Thilo Becker, Martin 

FOR EXCHANGE j Krause, Royal Academy ot Music, 

------—---- I London. Advanced pupils and Inter- 

FOR EXCHANGE—8 room, strict- ' Pretation. Special rates for beginners, 
ly modern house on West 31st street I^psidence Studio, 1310 W. 9th St., 
close to Western Ave. on paved street.! Clendale (210 W. Windsor Road), 
garage, price. $4500. Want 5 or 6 | Phone 1211-J. 

room, modern house in Glendale with | - . . 

2 or more lots, will go to same price' - C J'lL I • J 

or $500 more. Get busy. H. L. Miller' MlSS Ldlth Lindsay 
Co.. 109 Brand. Glen. 853, Blk. 266. i DANCI.NG 

35t3 i Children's Class Saturday, 2 p. m. 

Miller ' Miss Edith Lindsay 

k. 266.1 DANCI.NG 

35t3 j Children's Class Saturday, 2 p. m. 

-I High School class in ball room 

5-room j dancing, Saturday, 7:30. 

our Utmost co-operation in making this loan a success. From thei'"^® kultur, ami say such offel (ink Dia^ser wi*h min-or 

. , , , , , .. . : dings right before us. And dey talkifh-ain Drill, large. . 

graves ot those who have made the supreme sacrifice comes a voice ; ,,iasrliemy, too. Vat you tink dey; Glass Bookcase . 

that savs : I said right in front of my face? One .sideboard .. 

.. .$1,">.(»(» ranch to $4500 clear. Phone owner, ; Phone r>7()48 Brand Blvd.-Park Ave. 

'Take up our quarrel with the foe. 

To you from failing hands we throw 
The Torch; be yours to hear it high. 

If ye break faith with us who die, •raiser.’ Did you ever hear any- 1 —,-——r—rr 

... , ,, , , , ■ , , Ithing so oft'el. I didn t tink anybodv, 1 OR S,\LJ.—Pat hens. Black 36 

\\ e shall not sleep, though poppies blow, ^ay such an offel ting. He I 34t; 

In Flanders’ fields.” i made me so mad I voiildn’t stand and —UTTrYT-UTVKITTYUTTT-T 

I hear such an offel ting so I turned I 'MCL EXCHANGE-36-compart 

-- I around and run mit de odder hoys. I "’®"^ 

TOO MANY HOLIDAYS NOT BEST ivas I right? Vat? And, oh, papa.!"''f '^'® q,, ’ "in’ 

_ iyou know dem breastplates vot youT®^'*' 

1 ■ 1 • ■ 1 us—can you send some to put' pOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Im 

lou many holidays during war time hinder in carrying out the Ion our backs? You know we are go-lproved five-acre tract near Hunting 


: dings right before us. And dey talk,Grain Drill, large..$7.'>.60 Glendale 1244-W. 32t6 |_ 

; blasphemy, too. Vat you tink dey j Glass Bookcase . . .$ 7..')<) - - --! “ ~ 

jsaid right in front of my face? One ^ .Sideboard ..SI.A.Od FOR EXCHANGE—20 acres of t*'® I GLENDALE TAXI SERVICE 

!big husky from a place called Mis-!sewiiig Maeliiiie ..$1(».(K) finest Cliino land, Jfl acres of walnut, ‘ ^ r-i 

jsouri. he said—oh, papa, 1 hate to Tjolltop Desks..$22.(»0 to .$:l.>.0O trees 3 years old. 4 acres of alfalfa,! ” * , ‘ “.'.'o ^ 

i tell you vat an offel ting he said—but j ^siaiiy others, at bargain prices. "®"®® P>®n‘>- of water, will | ” ®"' l’ p/iurteo..; Treatment’ 

;I can't help it; he said. "To hell mit: 35t‘>Sat take clear property in Glendale for ’ | . <* < < "•^t®ou.s Treatnieiit. 

j der kaiser.” Did von ever hear anv -1 _my equity up to $4000. Isaac Studio,, 

Ithing so oft'el. I didn't tink anvbodv, PX)R SALK-Fat hens. Black 36. 206 E. Broadway. 30 tg j Si .uii am .>i._.> All 1 rrp.s Outside of 

! would sav such an offel ting. He I 34t2 —-------- '»>• > «*' * Passengers. 

j , ' , , ij ** * J J _ ___ I’hoiio tor Brices. 

I made me so mad I voiildn t stand and ; A M'T’tTT^ 

I hear such an offel ting so I turned I I';;^C”ANGE-36-comparG_WANTED_ — .... _ _ 

around and run mit de odder t’oys.|™®"f hLe'vou?""'lOO 'e WTndso’r WANTED—Girl for general house- FOR PAINTING, tinting and pa- 
Vas I right? Vat? And, oh, papa,: ' J' ' work, can go home nights. Wages, per hanging call Glendale 9I9-R. 

you know dem breastplates vot you "'O- vv. aui. ^20. Home phone 385. 3313' 296tf 

WANTED \\ Oman to do light ; WANTED—Women, pieasant work. 

regular war programs in the various lines of business. Money is;ing de odder vay, now. and breast-jton Beach, and lot in Pomona, all housework and care for child. Call wages. Glendale Laundry. 5tf 

needed to carrv on the war and that money comes as a result of the i‘'‘''® *’^® ! clear, for a good house and lot in -- 

needed to carrv on the war and that money comes as a result of the , ‘'‘''® f®" *’^® I clear, for a good house and lot in f A. h_ u.bberm -08 vv. Lom.ta ^ -- 

labor of the world. Labor not employed can not produce. lhere-,,ier back. Some of the boys took off „el. St., Glendale. 34t2« ~ wANTFn—Refined PiderTv~wo,;7 WOUNDED SOLDIER'S LAST 

fore, m so far as possible keep all labor employed. Every holiday der breastplates and put 'em behind. |-_ nosition as nractical nurse i DEI ENSE 

1 ii'i",- - i‘irr,i- 'I'l 1 . - lint de fool Americans are plaving' FOR S.ALE—Roll top desk and ^ ^ ’ -- 

causes a degree ol disadjustment which affects business. Ihcbusi-,," “® “ ' are piaying i housekeeper, reference from . 

... . . . ; De Star-Spangled Banner mit ma- chair, cost $i0, will sell for $35. a i * i Aaa n ^ I. ross is 

ness of a nation is its stock in trade, and when business is inter- ■ chine guns on dem plates. Can't you I Twenty used shovels good as new for doctor and last place. Address box ggjjjjgc-g j^st defense. 

fered with, evervthintr sroes wronu to the extent of the interference 'help us? Yon remember in your I sixty cents each. Also used picks. vening , ews. greater than cannon. 

Americans are shooting us right in | (jiendale. J. S. Warfield, 404 N. Isa- avenue. Phone Home 576. 35tf| 

der back. Some of the boys took off; hpi st Glendale 34t2* TTTTTJiiTTTT TTY 7 ,, , ' 

, 1 ”®'' '“■leiiddie. q-ttz WANTED—Refined elderly worn-, 

der breastplates and put em behind.- , ... .. , 

hut de fool Americans are plaving I POR SALE—Roll top desk and an wants position as practical nurse,, 
.■r.„ lehair enat * 7(1 *111 aeii fnr s.2.5 nr as housekeeper, reference from: 

.;"De Star-Spangled Banner" mit ma-lChair, cost $70, will sell for $35. as 1 . 00 ^ 0 ^ 1 , 00 ^. wounded 

ness of a nation is its stock in trade, and when business is inter-: chine guns on dem plates. Can't you I used shovels good as new for doctor and last place. Address box g^j^icr's last defense. ... It is 

fered with, everything goes wrong to the extent of the interference ^lielp us? You remember in yourj^^ixty cents each. Also used picks. vening . ews. _ greater than cannon, greater than 

[Speech yon said nothing could stand Hahn, 201 E. Palmer Ave. Phone WANTED—For cash, 6 or 7 room hate, greater than blood-lust, greater 

before the brave German soldiers? i Glendale 1294-J. 34t2* house on large lot within half mile of than vengeance. It triumps over 

.AUSTRI.4N .4.ND HUNGARI.AN PREMIERS RESIGN 'Oh- Pepa- I don't believe these >g-l FOR SALE^SN^—Five passeng^ business section, owners onlv. Box wrath as good triumphs over evil. Di- 

___ inorant Americans ever- read your; 40, Glendale News. 35t2* rect descendant of the Cross of the 

fSiiecial Service to Glendale Evening News') 

! speech, for dey run after us just like' 
! ve vas a lot of rabbits. Vot you tink i 

.-Vtwater-Kent ignition system and 

Glendale News. 35t2* •'®e*' descendant of the Cross of the 

---Christian faith, it carries on to every 

WANTED—Carpenter to rebuild ! battlefield the words of the Man of 

--- — --- .........g, , VC vas a lOL Ol laouiia. v ui, you viUK HtssIpt shorV absorbers *2‘’5 easb - - - - ea...c,.ciu ...c a u. uo u. i.ic i..a.i oi 

COPENILM'.EN, October 12.—X’ienna dispatches todav sta 1 ^-!of dot? Can’t you send dem so.nejj.J^^„ ,01 E p„,„gr Ave " Phone ^®®®® ‘blessed are the merciful, for 

that both Baron Husserak, Austrian Premier, and Hungarian Pre-if _"®yiGlendale 1294-J. ' 34t2* "5 f^ 5 °": they shall obtain mercyd 

’ ^ ^ Idon t know how terrible ve are. Can’t__ 3otl* 'The only leaven in this black pic- 

mier Weckerle had resigned. lyou move my army back to Belgium, FOR SALE—Apples, 40c lug box -vyANTED Middle aged—vimman ‘“'^® ^ ®®®" 

-_ ivere ve von all our glory? My men I and up, also sweet apple cider, fresh j-qj. housework and as companion in touched me, has been the scarlet 

At least one-third of the peaches in the Pomona territory have;®"" ‘'’® children made, 60c gallon. 201 E. Palmer Ave. Glendale 441-M. 32t4 s™ J°tb» 

^ ^ V. bring us. But dese Ameri-1 34t2*__ 1 the terrible scenes at the front had 

been purchased by the government, many being shipped overseas, cans are so rough and ignorant. We |-,- ^ - f T —i" WANTED—Furniture and rugs, almost destroyed, came every, now 

It took 1200 tons of peaches to fill this quantity of cans as although ®an't make 'em understand that we hfV n^ri dishes, other articles, enough for 8 and then again the flash of the em- 

the oeach cron was fiftv ner cent pre-iter it nnt no-.rHr cn hio-li ®''® greatest soldiers on earth, .®®, ‘ rooms. Will consider single pieces l>'em of mercy. Hope, then, was not 

tne peacn crop was htty per tent greater it was not nearly so high -Deutschland SfO Brand Blv d . 32t 3 pay spot cash. dead. There were hands to soothe 

in quality. iUeber Alles’ dey laugh like a lot of „„„ __Dealers do not answer. Phone 23979. and labor, as well as hands to kill. 

--- ; monkeys. But we are getting de, FOR SALE—Bedroom set, chiU - -There was still brotherly love in the 


Wear your old clothes and buy Liberty Bonds. 
Liberty Bonds or German bondage. 

“Come across” or the Kaiser will. 

The soldier gives; you must lend. 

Liberty Bonds or German taxes. 

Buy over here to win over there. 

It's billions for defense or billions for indemnity. 
For Foch and freedom; buy bonds. 

A bond slacker is the Kaiser’s backer. 

A man who won’t lend is the Kaiser’s friend. 

are the greatest soldiers on earth-, , „.® 7 rooms. Will consider single pieces hlem of mercy. Hope, then, was not 

and ven ve try to sing "Deutschland dale bio. 8iU N. Brand uiv u . 5-t 5 complete home and pay spot cash. | dead. There were hands to soothe 

Ueber Alles’ dey laugh like a lot of „„„ __Dealers do not answer. Phone 23979.1 and labor, as well as hands to kill. 

monkeys. But we are getting de , .-i,' ^ . i., , u v . - --'There was still brotherly love in the 

best of de Americans. We can out- f®"’®'’' >'brary ta.b e, kitchen cabinet, WANTED—Centrally located 5-! world. There was a courage that was 

run dem, Papa, if ve are not the best Iw"'® pm-1 room bungalow with garage. Glen- not of hate. There was a patience 
fighters on earth ve are de best run-| e ®^P- ^5 • eh^3^®jdale 679. 34t2 that was not a lying in wait. There 

ners. Nobody can keep up mit us ■'^'®' i vvTTiCtTmt it,. ....... 77 777777 ^ flag that was not ot one na- 

fighters on earth ve are de best run- 
I ners. Nobody can keep up mit us 
! when ve tink of de dear old Rhine. I 
land my army never did tink so much i 

-j WANTED—Furnuure or house- 

FOR SALE—Will sacrifice my i hold supplies, tools or anything sal- 
beautiful upright piano to buy Lib- I able at highest spot-cash price. Phone 

tion. but of all the world; a flag that 
! needed no recruiting station, for the 

of dot dear old river. Let me know Bonds. Fine tone, almost new.! Glendale 20-W. 294tf “ *®‘^ were alvyays full to over- 

Iright avay vot to do by return post-j^igi^t renting. Gl. 437-R. !'- a a”a 

offl®® 1_i PUPILS WANTED—An experi- that 

1 20 times. t SALE—Fine big rabbit does, enced milliner and dressmaker ^’ould i 

CRO\VN PRINCE WILLIE. ' $2; hutches, $1. 311 E. Broad-riike a few scholars. They can hringT’” mIry robVrts 

—Exchange. !^ay in the rear. Tel. Gl. 31. site* ! own materials. Tel. 1083-J. 33t3 i RINEHART 

July 20 times. 

in “Kings, Queens and Pawns.’ 

I FOR SALE—White enamel bed j WANTED—Girls and women to 

Advertise it, or advertise for it inland spring $5, table 34x42 $2. 328 | make fruit baskets.. Apply Los An- 

I the Evening News, N7 Maryland. 27tf!Eeles Basket Co., Tropico. 206tf 

27tf'geles Basket Co., Tropico. 

s An-1 Advertise It, or advertise for it in 
206tflthe Evening News. 


'age Three 



Watch this space for the 
announcement of the next 



1108 West Broadway 
Phone Glendale 155, Main 5 


Glendale Book Store 

4l:t Brand Blvd 
C. H. BOTT, Prop. 


Fine Stationery 

PRicpis reasonablp: 

Mrs. Sidney Dell of 928 North Lou¬ 
ise street, who has been quite ill, is 
rapidly recuperating. 

Harry W. Chase, who has been se- 
: riously ill of apparently the most 
modern malady in existence, is now 
on tlie safe road to recovery. 


All reports concerning the condi- 
j tion of Harxy Duffield of Lomita ave¬ 
nue are favorable, and his friends 
I say he will be brought home from 
] the hospital Sunday. 

Miss Mary Imbusch of Riverside is 
the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Mottern 
and of Mrs. George Daugherty of 
this city. Miss Imbusch is a former 
parishioner of Mr. Mottern. 

The City W. C. T. U. was enter¬ 
tained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Mot¬ 
tern at the Lutheran parsonage, and 
spent the afternoon in work upon 
garments for Belgian relief. 

Owing to the request of Health Of¬ 
ficer Chase that no public meetings 
be held, the regular meeting of Car¬ 
nation Rebekah Lodge which was to 
have taken place next Tuesday even¬ 
ing, has been postponed. 

Professor William Darwin Root 
says tlie vacation granted him from 
school work on account of influenza 
will be profitably improved on his 
two-acre ranch, where there is always 
much to be done at this season. 

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cutler of La 
Porte, Indiana, are guests of their 
aunt. Mrs. Lina Cutler, at 220 North I 
Louise. Another relative of hers and 
theirs. Hugli Given of Elgin. Illinois, 
was entertained by Mrs. Cutler Fri¬ 

Miss Doris Ingledue who, with hei 
brother Elwood, is a student at Occi¬ 
dental College, is recuperating from 
an attack of Spanish “flu.” She re¬ 
ports quite an epidemic at Occidental, 
where about fifty cases have been re¬ 

S E W 1 N G M .\ C H I N E S 
ISepairiHl. .MI work guaraiit<M;d 
Thirty years’ experience. Belts, oils 
and needles. 

.1. W. BELL 

1219 Broadway, Glendale 
Phones Main 2;I.'», Glendale 889 


W. P. nri.LOCK, Prop. 


Xlilked and Bottled on our own Earns 
Coffee Cream—Whipping Cream 
Night Deliveries in Glendale 
Home Phone 4.56—2 bells 

E. R. Naudain V. V. Nandain 

E lee trie a I Contractors 
G. E. Mazda Lamps Eixtures 
Supplies Motors 

I’hones—Glendale 4‘2S-.I, Home 2.532 

Bond of Fate 

A speaker recently said: 

“Insurance Is the one enter¬ 
prise wliich makes a direct 
drive at tlie one great evil that 
hangs over mankind like a 
black snow in the heavens—the 
dread of poverty, not only of 
himself but of those that are 
left iKihind lilni when his lips 
are closed witli dust. 

“You would think a life in¬ 
surance contract would lie sal¬ 
able over the counter, but there 
is a most persistent superstition 
in oai li of us tliat all men ai'e 
mortal hut oui’selves. 

“So the iiisuruiice man lias 
to go out and take a man liy 
botli ears, .jam his liead against 
tlie wall and tlirow him on tlie 
ottice floor and sit on liiiii, in 
order to enable him to do what 
each man in liis lieart wants to 
do—to take a bond of fate.” 

W. B. Kirk 

-Agent “Bonds of l-'ate" 


i] Mrs. Charles Toll xvho, together! 
1 1 with Mrs. Mattison B. Jones, attend-| 
j I ed the eight o'clock breakfast at the j 
; I Alexandria Friday morning for Mrs. | 
JI Henry Davison, head of the allied 1 
: war activities drive, reports that | 
jj about thirty guests gathered around ! 
\ I a very beautifully appointed table ! 
I decorated with autumn leaves and 
11 fruit, among which the national col- 
ijors were intertwined. Though not 
I a simple breakfast, it was a floover- 
ized meal in that foods needed by the 
government tor export were not used. 

I It began with servings of the most 
splendid strawberries California can 
I produce, and was followed by fried 
j chicken, creamed potatoes, coffee and 
j various accessories, all of which were 
) delicious. 

I Mrs. Davison spoke delightfully 
> but briefly, emphasizing the idea of 
unity in the work. She explained that 
\ the original intent had been to send 
three delegates on this tour, one of 
whom would represent the Jewish 
I Council, the other the Catholic or- 
jganization, but because of the neces- 
I sity for conservation in transporta- 
i tion because of war demands upon 
i I the railroads, it was decided to send 
but one and that one the general 
!' head of the organization. That pub- 
Mic sentiment seemed to sustain the 
< I decision, she said, was shown by the 
j| remark made to her by a Jewish Rab- 
'|bi in Dallas, who, said it seemed to 
him altogetlier proper that but one 

If you have not the Spanish infiu- should come because that showed the 

enza, what have you? 

Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Barnett have I 
I been very agreeably surprised by a • 

unification of the workers. 


visit from their daughter, Miss Zoe | An auto accident on San Fernando 
Barnett, an opera singer of New York. I road near Cypress avenue brought 
who arrived at their home quite un-jjoy to the small boys and some of 
expectedly yesterday. She will prob-| larger growth yesterday afternoon. A 
ably be here five or six months un-; Moreland truck driven by a Japanese 
less slie is summoned sooner to re-! who answers to the name of A’amato 
turn to the Atlantic coast. She has | ran into an auto with a trailer at- 
had a very serious attack of Spanisli j tached wliich was loaded with water- 
inttuenza and came home to recuper-1 melons and which was driven by a 
ate. I Mr. Haney. No one was hurt, but 

1 tlie thoroughfare after tlie load had 
High School teachers had a con-: ^ q^j.. 

School teachers had 
Mrs. M. K. Neil of 127 South Ken-1 ference yesterday to see if an oppor-: 

man trench after a charge by Persh- 

wood has just returned from a busi-1 tunity could not be secured for "ork Crusaders There was plenty of 

ness trip to Long Beach and reports! in orchards or fields during their en-i everybody, and as it 

liouses at a premium there. Also that' forced vacation. The Hinckley-Beach | when watermelon is 

her son-in-law, Peter Oliver, has re-'Packing Company was consulted and gratefj,] to the human palate, 

cently purchased an acre tract of land , other employers, all of whom refused j gome people said it was a put-up job! 

on East 14th street, Long Beach. She j to consider taking on workers for so j ’ _ 

says Glendale is good enough for her. j short a period. It was a great disap- E.NCELLENT MEDIUM FOR IN'EOR- 

pointment to the teachers, who would : M.ATION 

. D. Root announces tliat in the|]jtjg jo help out in the labor shortage J -- 

if possible, and also would enjoy a 

near future active campaign work 
will be inaugurated locally to educate ' week in the open 
voters in regard to the constitutional 
amendments to be voted upon tliis 

While churches. theatres and 
scliools are closed, the Evening News 
will serve as an excellent medium for 
of local information. 

Eugene Imler. who left following i giving out 
fall with regard to the sale of liquor. Ibis graduation at Throop College of fo„r-minnte sneech which Albert 
that they may be fully informed in Technology for Camp Alfred Vail. ' 

Palace Grand appears in another col- 

regard to 


the bone-dry N. J., where lie is continuing his | 
j training in radio transmission, writes' 
!to his motlier, Mrs. D. H. Imler of 

Has any man or woman who has not 
bought a Liberty Bond got the nerve 
to drive an automobile for pleasure 
while our boys are bleeding at the 
front for us? 


Glendale 163 


Home 723 


(By United Press) 

FRANCE, Sept. 13. (By Mail.)—He 
was a private, and he looked the part. 
But lie hesitated when some war: 
workers who wanted to establish a 
billet in some ruins offered him and , 
his bunkie $2 apiece to help sweep i 
out the place. He wasn't busy just ! 
then. ' 

Finally he followed the example of i 
his bunkie and accepted the job. i 
“If anybody’d offered me money to 
sweep out a house over in the States, 
I'd have turned up my nose,” he told 
his friend. "A’ou see, I own a couple 
of factories over there, and got a 
pretty good fortune beside that. But 
over here when you can't write a 
check and get it cashed, yor'd do 
most anything for a couple of dol¬ 
lars for it’s about the end of the 
month, and you haven't d'-awn your 
$30 per for two months. vYar sure 
makes a fellow democratic.” 


•John Marquardf, the eminent 'io- villa, tliat lie lias received his; 

linist. wlio is residing in our city, has ! pimjpj,jg,jj ^^id tliat lie is 

liard at work. He is only eighteen i 

decided to erbate a few violinists in 

Glendale. His class lias already ; fpg„) jijp scene of tlie DuPont' 

SturtPfl. TliPrP ic Tin Hnnhf’ Knt thof »» « , . . . 'SuriOHr 

News. Now is an appropriate time 
to suggest to your neiglibor that he 
already : subscribe for the local daily 


There is no doubt but that, 

r Works explosion and says at 

students will welcome this news. Mr 

.Marquardt lias been tlie leading ' io-| gggp,^p,j p^g ^ furious and long-con 
Iinist of the great Eastern orches¬ 
tras and ills fame is international. 

if lie is not already a siib- 
However, remind him tliat 
the suliscription is payable in ad- 

that distance the repeated explosions ; ,,,, „,pgp „,onths, $2.00 


for six 



Wildman Transfer Co. 

It. O. Wildman, Prop. 

Ottice 120 E. Laurel Street 
For prompt, elticient service and 
right prices 

Phone Glendale ‘262-AV. 


Don't pay any advance on fire insur¬ 
ance. Come to the H. L. Miller Co., 
409 Brand blvd. Both phones. 50tf 


We deliver Uertilied and l’a.steiirized 
Milk in Glendale 
Plioiie .So. 10.50, 1903 Suntec St. L. .A. 

Independent Taxi Service 


Phone for prieeN. >\ e eater to 
the piililie. Careful driverM. 

PhoiieN after iiiidnteht: I*. E. 
'rny|t»r, (ileuilale UIIH.J; J. L. 
Marlin, Glendale ::S7-R; F. Bohm, 
ttlendale flol. 

Burbank . 50c 

Los Anpreles . $1 

Pasadena . 75c 

Hollywood .75c 

La Canada . 75c 

La Crescenta . $1 

Tiijunga . $1.25 

Sunland . $1.50 

Vontura . $7.50 

San Bernardino . $6 

San Diejro . $20 

.. months, or $-1.00 for 

tinned bombardment. Tlie town of 
Morgan, he says, was completely 
Rev. Mottern. pastor of the e„. , "’'Ped off the map. Two of the Cali-1 
tlieran Church, and Mrs. Mottern, hoys who went east witli him 

have undertaken to gather the ^-ai-i EU"' 

nuts in the orchard of a friend who ' writes. | There will he no Sunday School or 

lias found diflicultv in gettine: Iieln ^ ! public services tomorrow in accord- 

louna qnncultx m getting help. |..,,owERS HEADtJl'.AHTERS Unce with the order of the Health 

(HI Rl'Il 

in getting help.' 
They put in a part of each day at the | 




work and like tlieir job very much, 1 
and consider it patriotic work in view 

of tlie necessity for conservation! , . , 

along all lines. ‘ gress from the 9tli Congressional; 

” ' i District, has opened up headquarters] 

Tiie Glendale Wednesday Club met | in I-os Angeles at the Angelus Hotel,] 
last week at the home of Mrs. Gibson ' corner 4th and Spring Streets, with ' 
on Windsor road for Belgian Relief j former Assemblyman R. P. Benton in] 

Officer. There will bo private bap¬ 
tism at 2 o’clock, 




In compliance with the order of 

work wliich they liave been doing for'charge. Mr. Flowers will be pleased tlie Health Department, ail services 
some time. They have accomplished ] to meet the voters of tlie District, I at this cliurch will be set aside till 
an astonishing amount of sewing in both City and County, in formal dis-; further notice. 

cussions of campaign issues. 

the manufacture of cliildren's gar-' 
ment:; and also contributed a good ' 
deal to tlie Harvest Festival Benefit | 
for tlie Red Cross. i 


Glendale is to be represented at the 
Grand T.odge Convention of the O. E. 
S. wliicli will be held at Santa Cruz 
next week from Tuesday to Friday. 
Miss Della Echols, Matron of tlie 

i Tlie pastor requests that as far as 
possible all families take up the study 
!of the Sabbath School lesson in their 

- I homes, and especially offer prayer for 

Owing to the fact that the Palace j our country, all our enlisted men and 
Grand Tlieatre is closed I request the women, and those of our allies. It 
people of Glendale to read the speech ' is further requested that everyone 

in the editorial column of this issue :enter into the spirit of the day, thus 
that would liave been made tonight i making it all that God would have it 
by Albert D. Pearce representing the'to be. “Remember the Sabbath day 
Glen Eyrie Chapter, will go as a dele-i United States government as a four-; to keep it holy.” 

gate, leaving Monday evening. Mrs. j minute man. ! _ 

Dan Campbell will go as a member of FREDERICK BAKER, 'GLEXDAI.E ENGLISH LUTHERAN 

the Grand Lodge and will leave Mon-, Community Chairman Four-Min- 1 (^HURUH 

day morning. Following the conven-j qto Men's Organization. _ 

(By United Press) 

FRANCE. Sept. 19. (By Mail.) — 
The Germans are annoyed by the fre¬ 
quency with which they run into the 
.Americans along the line. The Ger¬ 
mans don't understand it. ! 

.•\n .American outfit captured a Ger- | 
man line officer east of Rheims after ; 
ins unit with others had been trying i 
to break through for three days. A ; 
French intelligence officer asked the ] 
German why the boches failed to i 
break through. 

"The reason for the failure?” said 
the German, “it is the Americans. We 
arc storm troops, our unit. We have 
been in attacks on three points along , 
tlie line in a month. Each time we . 
liave run into Americans. I have let- | 
tors,from friends along the line. They 
have all hit or been it by .Ameri¬ 
cans. "ho are everywhere.” 

When asked, the German officer 
estimated there were 4.000,00(1 .Amer¬ 
icans in France. 

New Telephone 

If you have not given in 
your ncAV street number, do 
so at once. Any numbers re¬ 
ceived after October 15th 
will NOT be in the new 
directory. Call Glendale 600 
Pacific or Main 55 Home. 


Pacific Telephone 
& Telegraph Co. 



Guaranteed Repairs at 
Reasonable Hates 

“Evpi-jtliiiiK ill Music” 

Glendale Phonograph 
& Piano Co. 

12;{ X. Hraiul, nr. Palace Grand 
(Jlciidale 90 Main 190 



Rugs, Furniture 





Estate of .-Alice Dickey, deceased 
Notice is hereby given by the un¬ 
dersigned executor of the estate of 
.Mice Dickey, deceased, to the Credi¬ 
tors of. and all persons having claims 
against the said deceased, to exhibit 
the same with the necessary vouch¬ 
ers. within four months after the first 
publication of tills notice to the said 


Up to noon today, the local Exemp¬ 
tion Board had not received its mas¬ 
ter list and therefore has been un¬ 
able to assign order numbers to reg¬ 
istrants. Members of the Board are 
Executor at the office of Evans. Ah-j will be received from Sac¬ 

ramento this afternoon. The Board 

bott Pearce, attorneys for said es¬ 
tate. 1007 Van Nuys building. City 
of Los Angeles, State of California. 

Dated this 11th day of October, 
A. D. 1918. 


Attorneys for Executor. 1007 
Van Nuys Building. Los Ange¬ 
les, California. JOttSat 

First publication October 12. 1918. 

headquarters 'vill remain open next 
week as usual, but meetings and 
drills called by the Board of Instruc¬ 
tion have been called off by official 
order of the health authorities. 

tion, she will 

visit her sister in San ] 

Insure your property against Fire i 

Rev. R. Warren Mottern, Pastor. 

I regret to announce to all the 

Mrs. .Tames Mullen of jiarvard Sunday 

street, who is a teacher in the Los!":'‘l' ^1'®..™°"®^ ';®" ' School and C. E. members that on ac- 




Don't forget Walker’s razor grind¬ 
ing and sharpening shop, first build¬ 
ing west of Spohr's drug store. Keep 
your business at home. Satisfaction 
guaranteed, F. H. Walker. 2.r'tl2 

Save our Money. Insure witli H. I,. 
Miller Co. and buy Liberty Bonds 
with what you save. 35t30 

cept cloudy or foggy tonight and in 
the early morning near the coast. 

•Angeles public schools, is planning to: 
spend a portion of her vacation in j 
making a long-deferred trip to Riv-1 
erside. She says the respite from. 
school work would be more welcome I 
to teachers had it come later in the ! 
term, and the prospect is that the! 
time will have to be made up out of j 
the Christmas holidays, which will | 
make a long fall terra and a short 
mid-winter vacation. 

Letters received by friends of the 
Moniot boys have brought news that j 
Sergt. A1 Moniot. who has been at j 
Fortress Monroe for some little time 
is enjoying a furlough visiting rela¬ 
tives in Pennsylvania. Bugler Ed 
Moniot is at Camp Eustace, where he 
has been stationed for the past three 
months. His cousin, Clara Moniot. 
who is a telephone operator in Paris, 
is recuperating from an elevator ac¬ 
cident in which her arm was injured, 
but not seriously. 

H. L. Miller Co., 109 


You Want Good Dry Cleaning and Pressing 


135 S. BRAND. Ask lor Our Man to Call. 


ivoi-i-y iilMiiit pi-ppafing lunch 
for an auto outing’.’ Give your 
order to 



and an appetizing luncli will 
lie prepared at a nominal ex- 

Brand Blvd. J count of the epidemic of “influenza” 
35t30 I there will be no services of any kind 
• ! this coming Sunday as directed by 
the Board of Health. And services 
will not be resumed until the health 
authorities lift the embargo. As the 
I pastor, I would recommend that in 
lour homes we observe the Sabbath 
with the children around us, bolding 
a “school” and “church” in prayer 
and the reading of the Bible. Also 
read good papers and books that lift 
land help. For this will be a “Sab¬ 
bath well spent, bringing a week of 
: content.” 








To our friends and neiglibors and 
the members of Glendale Lodge No. 
388. I. O. O. F.. who gave their help, 
sympathy and floral offerings during 
our bereavement, 've extend our 
heartfelt thanks. 





The regular monthly meeting of 
the Knights Templar, which was to 
have been held Monday evening, has 
been called off on account of the ban 
on public gatherings. 


The Japanese Labor Station an¬ 
nounces that owing to the increased 
cost of living, they xvill advance their 
rates to 50 cents an hour; $1.65 for 
half a day; and $3.20 for all day. 



Somebody, somewhere, will surely 
be glad to look into your smiling 
face about December 25th, so make 
your appointment today and do not 
dela.v till the rush comes. Isaac 
Studio. 206 E. Broadway. 24t28 

Think what Une spectacle of cheer¬ 
ful giving means to the enemy. 


Advertise It, or aavenise for it in 
the Evening News. 



HOME 2255 




We do crating, packing, shipping and storing. Trunks and baggage hauled to all points. 

All kltds of moving work. 

604-606 S. Brand Boulevard. Glendale 

Page Four 



































































































The Enemy Is Watching 

By NEWTON D. BAKER, Secretary of War 

The supreme moments of our struggle 
with Germany have now come. 

We have carried our first armies across 
three thousand miles of ocean and joined the 
issue of battle with the military power of a na¬ 
tion that has been for forty years preparing 
its plans and its weapons for its present at¬ 
tempt to dominate the world. We have had 
to put forth an immense effort and spend a 
fabulous sum in order to make, in so short a 

time, an adequate beginning for our gigantic 

But it is only our beginning. We must 
fdllow it with greater energy and support it 
with increasing power. Men, munitions, ships 
and supplies must go to Europe in a larger and 
larger stream. We must redouble our blows 
and add constantly to the strength of those 
blows, if our initial effort is not to be wasted. 

This Means That Our Fourth Liberty Loan Must Be Larger 
Than Its Predecessors, More Enthusiastically Sup¬ 
ported and More Quickly Than Ever Subscribed 

The enemy is watching anxiously for the 
first sign that we are faltering. 

Our Government Loans should go “over 
the top” as eagerly as our soldiers do, in order 
to carry with them the terror of furious at¬ 
tack. Our dollars must rain upon the enemy 
as overwhelmingly as our hail of bullets or our 
storm of shells. 

We are fighting for the liberty of the 
world, for the triumph of our ideals of democ¬ 
racy and self-government over the last great 


advocate of force upholding injustice. We are 
buying with our Liberty Loans the security 
and joy of our people for generations to come. 
No price could be too high to pay for such a 
victory—no cost too great for such a purchase. 

Lend the Way Our Boys Fight—To 

Your Very Utmost! 

This Space Contributed to Winning the War by 








F. J. Kuntzner.